The Unitized Discs are non-woven disks compressed with a fiberglass pad, made with compressed layers of abrasive cloth and resin.

They are suitable for all finishing, cleaning and micro-removal operations and are characterized by their resistance and the excellent quality/price ratio.

Dischi Unitized Interno

3 reasons to choose the Unitized Discs

  • Ideal for the preparation of surfaces for painting: they remove the marks and lower the roughness of the previous workings without changing the geometry of the piece or producing excessive heat.
  • Allow to obtain a glossy finish, very close to the mirror one, without the need to use abrasive pastes.
  • Suitable for treating all metals (common steels, alloys, aluminum, etc.). They guarantee excellent results especially in the processing of stainless steel. They can also be used for processing plastic and composite materials.


Find out more about the Unitized Discs available at Cta Calflex.

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