New production of Scored Flap Wheels with hole

Thanks to a close collaboration of our Research & Development department with a specialized team, we have designed and built from scratch a machine for the industrial production of scored flap wheels. This makes it possible to bring the production of scored flap wheels to a new ISO CERTIFIED industrial standard.

Scored Flap Wheels

3 Advantages of working with scored flap wheels

  • great flexibility and adaptation to the shape of the workpiece
  • ideal for sanding uneven surfaces
  • guarantee a homogeneous finish guaranteed

Inside the scored flap wheels, every single abrasive flap is longitudinally cut into narrow strips which give the flexibility required for grinding operations on very modelled pieces.

Scored flapwheels are often used together by assembling wheels of the same diameter and grit. This ensures a uniform finish even on wide surfaces.

Discover the technical features

Specifiche tecniche ruote lamellari frastagliate

Cta Calflex catalog offers a wide range of scored flap wheels with holes of different sizes and grits, but other combinations are available on request.

Consult the product sheet or contact us for more information.

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